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Want to Give Corks?

That's a great idea! GiveNow does not accept donations of corks, but here in Other Ways to Give, we have compiled a list of organisations that do. Please contact the organisations below to arrange your giving.

It takes 43 years for a cork tree to yield its first wine cork - but just seconds to turn it into a throw-away item. Before 1990, discarded corks were destined for landfill. Approximately 550 tonnes of cork is imported into Australia annually, of which, still less than 5% is recycled.

Cork is natural, renewable, completely biodegradable and recyclable. By using recycled corks to manufacture other products, you are saving resources and minimising carbon emissions. Cork can be re-used to manufacture a range of natural, recycled products.

GiveNow has compiled the following register of places and organisations where you can donate your corks.

Organisations that accept corks

Business Recycling

Search a database of drop off locations here:

Reverse Art Truck Inc.

About: Reverse Art Truck Inc. (formerly Reverse Garbage Truck Inc.) is a non profit organisation that has been in operation for over 30 years. We collect rejects, seconds and factory offcuts for distribution to schools, early learning centres and the community.

17 Greenwood Avenue Ringwood 3134
Phone (03) 9879 1264
Tuesday-Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to 1pm

182 Quarry Road, Narre Warren North 3804
Phone (03) 9707 1333
Thursday-Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to 1pm

Planet Ark factsheet: