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Wombat Sanctuary

Wombat sanctuary medical centre


Wally Wombat

Warren Wombat

Recent Donations

Tony Turtle


22 hours ago

Peter Penguin


22 hours ago

Edith Emu


22 hours ago

Wilhema Wombat


22 hours ago

Julie Main


1 day ago

Julie Main


1 day ago

Rufous Roo


1 day ago

Tony Turtle


1 day ago

We have very dedicated and talented vets and vet nurses that provide care for the injured and sick wombats that arrive at the sanctuary.  They also monitor the health of the wombats living at the sanctuary and ensure they are in great condition.


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Contact Details

PO Box 88
KEW VIC, 3101

(03) 9999 8888

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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Your donation will be matched by 2 organisations


Your $15 donation will be matched and Wombat sanctuary medical centre will receive $45

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