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Duck Conservation Reserve Opening Day

Vintage Duck Community

Date & Time

Friday 22 August 2025 01:00 pm - Sunday 26 August 2029 02:00 pm AEST


10 Ben Dr
Darling South, VIC 3145

 We are excited to announce the grand opening of the Duck Conservation Reserve, a new sanctuary dedicated to the protection and conservation of local duck species and their natural habitats. The event will feature guided tours of the reserve, educational sessions on duck conservation efforts, and fun activities for all ages, including birdwatching and children’s crafts. Experts will be on hand to share insights about the reserve’s mission and the vital role ducks play in our ecosystem. Enjoy a day outdoors, learn about the importance of wildlife conservation, and discover how you can contribute to preserving our feathered friends. Refreshments will be available, and all proceeds will go towards ongoing conservation projects.


Contact Details

51 Stanley St

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Yes, as soon as your payment is processed.

Refund Policy
No refunds


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General Admission
Access to all areas of the Duck Conservation Reserve for the entire day. Enjoy guided tours, educational sessions, and all family-friendly activities. Perfect for those who want a full experience of the event.

VIP Experience
Includes exclusive early access to the reserve, a private tour with a duck conservation expert, and a reserved seating area for presentations. VIP guests also receive a complimentary gift bag with duck-themed merchandise.

Family Pack
Specially priced package for families, including admission for two adults and up to three children. Enjoy all-day access to the reserve, plus a family-friendly guided tour and kids’ craft activities.

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